This excerpt is from the novel, Broken Open, by Elizabeth Lesser. Lesser is the co founder and senior adviser of Omega Institute, a retreat centre for spirituality, yoga, health and psychology.
Her book brought me great comfort. It contains dramatic stories of every day people who have risen up and out of challenging times.
Often when life throws us curve balls, it becomes so deeply embedded in our skin- in our insides- that it we accept it as part of ourselves. Digging it out may seem like more work then just leaving it and living in the pain and/or suffering. We then are stuck in the congested box which the bad pitch forced us in.
To heal in a healthy manner Lesser teaches, what she calls, "The Phoenix Process". The following paragraph doesn't relate specifically to her technique, yet it simply inspires one to love themselves and to cherish every inch of the body and sacred temple.
Enjoy xo
~I have fallen in love with heart and lungs. While I am here, contained within bones and muscles, organs and skin, I want to take care of the gift of my body. I want to feed it well, move it gracefully, and rest it deeply. I know that the life force beats on, even when the heart has stopped, but while I have a heart and lungs, I want to treat them with SACRED AWE. And while I dwell with others who are JUST LIKE ME, I want to see them for who they really are, in all of their fragility and all of their majesty~
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